The Tourette Syndrome Camp Organization (TSCO) will host the 32nd Annual Tourette Syndrome Camp USA from Sunday, June 22, 2025 to Saturday June 28, 2025 at YMCA Camp Duncan in Ingleside, Illinois.

Travel restrictions and other safety protocols may change based on the current situation with COVID as camp approaches. All campers must be COVID vaccinated or file for an exemption.

Camp Duncan is situated on a semi-private lake in northeastern Illinois, just south of the Wisconsin border. Camp Duncan offers a recreational/residential setting. The TS camp program is run concurrently with a traditional YMCA camp week. TSCO is not a therapeutic program and there are some limitations in accepting children whose needs are beyond the scope of its design. The focus of the camp's staff is to provide general supervision with as much one-on-one mentoring as well as the situation permits. In addition to providing in-services to all Camp Duncan counselors, TSCO supplements the staff by providing volunteer counselors who have TS, or have experience dealing with TS. Campers must be able to handle routine daily living skills (i.e., dressing, self-hygiene) and have the ability to function within a group setting. While the program is modified to meet the needs of most children whose primary disability is TS and some degree of attention deficit and/or obsessive-compulsive components, experience has demonstrated that not every child with TS is capable of participating in the camp program.

We serve boys and girls ages 7-16. Campers who are 16 can become part of the Counselor in Training Program (CIT). These campers will be given leadership opportunities that will help with a transition to possible future positions on our staff.

The Tourette Syndrome Camping Organization camping fees are based on the price we are given by YMCA Camp Duncan. The price will be $775. As always there are scholarships available.

The basic price for camp will be $775. This amount represents the basic cost for a child to attend camp based on what we are charged by Camp Duncan. The all inclusive price for camp is $925. This amount represents the complete cost for a child to attend camp including required insurance, medical supplies and cost that we are charged by Camp Duncan for our all volunteer staff. In the past, these costs have been covered by donations and fundraising. You may consider paying any amount from $775 up to $925. Any payment above $775 will be considered a donation and assist us with the necessary costs. We have always asked families who can afford it to pay our basic full price based on their financial ability. We also offer aid to those families who need assistance based on need (see below for more info.) We simply need you to apply. Our process is confidential and requests are only known to the President and the Camp Director. We are also providing candy that families can sell to help pay for your child’s camp fee. Please e-mail or call for details. While we could apply the funds we have available to reduce our basic price, using our existing model, in our 30 years history, we have never had to turn away a child due to need.

Please take the time to read the Camp Policies document (link below) and discuss camp with your child. If, after careful consideration, you feel your child is ready for a successful camp experience, please fill out the online application and mail in a check for $25 or pay a $25 deposit online. The deposit is non refundable and no application will be processed without the deposit.

The Health Form (in the online application) should be turned in no later than June 3, 2025. However any changes in medication or dosage will have to be updated prior to the start of camp.

The initial deadline for the Camp Application is June 03, 2025. Any application received after June 03, 2025 will require a $50 late fee. Please note we may require additional information after reviewing the application including a phone interview.

We look forward to meeting your child(ren) this summer at Tourette Syndrome Camp USA.

Scott Loeff           Ryan Thomas & Brian Ackler

President             Camp Directors


The Tourette Syndrome Camping Organization (TSCO) can accommodate a limited number of campers who would be flying unaccompanied, subject to their acceptance to our program and the following conditions:

All flights must be in and out of Chicago O'Hare airport (ORD).

Flight times must be cleared and approved by TSCO before they are made if pick up and/or drop off is expected. This must be completed no later than 10 days prior to the start of camp.

Any child who is new to our program must first be approved by camp staff before using this procedure.

A $25 fee will be added for airport pick. This fee is to help subsidize the cost of transportation.


TSCO does have aid available. If you are in need of assistance, please fill in the online financial aid form (link below) and email it to Please submit your aid request by emailing it to as soon as possible, but not later than June 3, 2025.

In 2014 the Tourette Syndrome Camping Organization established the Mark Mandel Scholarship Fund in recognition of the tens of thousands of dollars that were raised through Mark’s efforts as the founder and Race Director of the Annual 5k Run for the Roses in Roselle, Illinois the first Sunday in June. The Mark Mandel Scholarship Fund will ensure that we continue our tradition of never turning away a child from camp due to need.

If you are granted aid we do expect the family to have a buy-in on camp. This means having a stake in camp. We would ask that you sell candy or seek a donation for camp such as bottled water that would help reduce our costs. Buy-in opportunities for a family may be discussed with Scott Loeff.

Click here for the Financial Aid Form


Step 1: Click here to read the Camp Policies Document

Please read the camp policies document before parent and child sign off on the camp's policies and rules section on the registration form. Any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Step 2: Complete the online registration form: